jueves, 21 de abril de 2011



Hi again. I think that I didn't play very often board games but remember a few: monopoly, a game that consisted in destroy the enemy ship ( for only two players) and ludo, the one that I'm gonna expose now. I began to play it around 5 years old and my aunt taught me. I think that she always let me win because I was too envious. The aim of the game was win. Great conclusion. And the way to win was to finish first doing a full lap and go to the center of the table with all the pieces that one have. The top of players are four in a game and each one have four piece. You have to throw a dice and that tells you how many steps your pieces must do. When a piece falls in the same place of a opponent's piece, that's piece (opponent) must start all over again the lap. Like I said at the beginning I played with my aunt and sometimes with my brothers ( we are four). I enjoyed the game for the only reason to "eat" the pieces of my opponents and they get angry. Well, that's all. Bye!

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